
Friday, October 30, 2020

10 Ways manners help the world

 1. Speak kindly to other people. When you speak kindly to people you make then feel good and when you make other people feel good you feel good

2. When I say please and thank you I am being respectful and kind to other people and not just expecting other people to do stuff for me.

3. When I keep my hands to myself and don’t push, shove, kick or touch anyone else I am respecting people's personal space.

4. Bad language often sounds aggressive and isn’t very nice to the people hearing it. So better to avoid it.

5. Kindness makes everyone feel good. Three ways of being kind are: Speaking kindly, helping people if they need help and being a good friend. Throwing things at people isn’t nice so just don’t do it!

You should also be kind to your friends and family

6.Noticing what people do to make other people happy and cheerful and learning off of that. Also making people feel appreciated.

7. Shake hands with people. Shaking hands with people is a way of greeting it is polite.

8.Being honest. If you make a mistake it’s better to tell someone about rather than keep it a secret and hope no one finds out.

9. Eating manners. If you are eating out don’t eat like a pig and make a big mess. Use manners like please and thank you and be nice to the waitress. Giving compliments is also used at restaurants.

10. Cleaning up after yourself is a big part of manners because people aren’t just going to clean up after you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



Today for Maths we did 3D drawing.
This is what I made.
We did it on isometric paper.
First i drew the cubes and then colored it in with yellow marker and then 
I added a shadow to make it look real.
I really enjoyed making them.

Reflection of Script


(Not Surprised)

Your early Night,

Not that it's unusual.

Mrs Sandford looks up at night, her glasses falling off slightly. 

She doesn’t look surprised to see night so early.

Night begins to take his seat.



Well I’d better get started on my 

study then.

As Night begins to take his seat he remembers that he hasn’t turneThe book of curses

-Camryn and shafrin 

Characters- Night(main character), Rago, Mrs Sandford,

 Mr Harper, Celestia, Enashma, Charlotte, Henry, Otis


Night enters the room closing the door behind him, twelve empty seats in front of him, books messily spread out on the teachers desk, Maths equations written out on the chalkboard behind the teacher's desk.

d in his homework.

He stands back up and drops his large backpack on the floor. It leans up against his desk.


Forgot about this Mrs Sandford.


Ahh yes Night. Thank you.

Night walks back to his desk and picks his backpack up.

He takes his books, pens and laptop out and gently places them on the desk.

 About forty five minutes later Celestia walks into the room, her Long blonde pony-tail waving in the air. 



Good morning Mrs sandford.

She takes a sheet of paper up to the teacher and walks back to her seat, she purposely bumps into Night, making him lose his focus.

Mrs Sandford walks into the side room of the classroom to get her other books that she has left in there.



Studying again are you Night?



Celestia takes her seat behind Night.

Mrs Sandford walks back into the room being careful not to drop the stack of paper in her hands.

Enashma and Charlotte walk in giggling among themselves.

They also hand in their piece of paper to Mrs Sandford.

Mrs Sandford walks out of the classroom to make herself a cup of coffee.

Enashma and Charlotte walk up to night.



Will you ever stop studying?



You really need to pass this

 Exam so we don’t have to deal with you Anymore.

Charlotte and Enashma take their seat on each side of Celestia. Rago walks in the room and goes straight to Night, He waits for Night to finish what he is writing.

Mrs Sandford walks back into the room with her hot cup of coffee.

She takes her seat and begins sorting through stacks of papers.

Rago walks up to Mrs Sandford and places his paper on the desk.



Hello Night. Studying again?

You are so going to pass this exam!

Rago takes his seat next to Night and begins to take out his books and pens. Henry and Otis enter the room not saying a word, they take their papers to mrs sandford and take their seats. The other children Get ready for the Exam. 

Mrs Sandford walks around the room handing the tests to everyone.



Begin your tests 

The sound of papers turning fills the air. 

Charlotte looks frustrated and turns to Celestia.



PST! Celest. Do you know this answer?

She turns to Celestia.

Celestia shrugs and turns to Rago. She threw a piece of scrunched up paper at Rago. He flinched a little but didn’t turn around. She threw another, and another. He finally turned around, looking very annoyed with Celestia.



I’m not giving you the answer

Celestia looks frustrated.

Next Scene Begins in the cafeteria with students everywhere.

Rago and Night sit alone at their table. 


In Literacy we have been looking at how authors and directors explain to the viewer/reader about the character. They do this through speech, costume, environment and general appearance.

We have looked at scenes from The first harry potter movie and read the same things from the book. We looked at how the characters were introduced and what was different in the movie and book. We looked at what choices the author/directors made to help us get to know the character.

Shafrin and I  created the scene above working on these aspects of the character. I had a friend give me feedback by highlighting some things in this story.
Actions=red, Appearance=yellow, Environment=green and speech=blue.

I think that we have done a good job of creating our own character, and describing what he is like and his personality.

I need to work on explaining the environment.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 Yesterday the year Sevens went sailing at Lake Rua.

There were a few boats that went capsized but luckily I wasn't in any of them.

We started by taking the boats out of the big container and getting the sails, the rutter and the centerboard. We put the sail in the boat and connected the ropes. After that we practiced how to drive the sail boats. We had to do this weird pivot thing and I was really bad at it. Then we finally got into the water and had to go around this can thing that was in the water. After we had sort of got the hang of it we got to go around two cans and i started drifting out behind them. 

After all of that we took the boats down and went fora swim.

Overall I thought it was really fun and would definitely do it again.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Our healing garden

 For our Inquiry we have been making gardens.

Me and Maria have been making a healing garden filled with  calming sounds and scents. We have got herbs to make tea and just some calming and relaxing plants.

We have made a slide show to show our work, we have put the herbs and other plants in there and why they are calming or healing. We have also shown our watering system and the birds we would like to a attract to our garden.

Thanks for reading our garden plan.😃