
Wednesday, November 20, 2019


The green alien is as dark as wavy grass.
The eyes are as black as a deep dark pit.
The trees are as prickly as a rose thorn.
The blue alien is as bright as the daylight sky.

The unicorn horn is as pointy as a stinging prickle bush.
The unicorn is as sparkly as all of the stars.
The unicorn tail is as wavy as the trees blowing in the wind.
The unicorn mane is as stiff as a house in a tornado storm.

The colours are as bright as a colourful rainbow.
The cake looks as yummy as a juicy peach.
The knife is as sharp as a sharks tooth.

The Icing is as thick as a garden hose.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Taniwha battle bots

Taniwha battle bots

Today we made battle bots for our Spheros. Spheros are a small, round robot they can change colour to almost every colour. Battle bots are things that you can make to put on top of your Sphero. the things that we used are cardboard, cellotape, felt pens, scissors, a cup, a straw and a balloon. This is our battle bot with the sphero inside it. 

This is how you make a battle bot.
1) Get a cup and a piece of cardboard, cut a hole in the cardboard, the hole should be the size of the bottom of the cup just like the cup in the photo.
2) slide the cup through the hole and tape the bottom of the cup to make sure that it doesn't come out of the cardboard when you drive it.
3) now fold up the edges and tape it.
4) put your straw on the top of your cup add a pin to the end of your straw and you are finished.

Now all you have to do is put your sphero in and have FUN!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Roller coaster ride

The wheels began turning as the carriage started moving
along the tracks. I started to feel sick like
I was about to throw. We started to move
up the first tall hill and then whoosh, we had
gone down the steep mountain of wood and metal.
Once it was over I began to feel a bit better,
I soon realized that there was more yet to go.
I saw the big twisty turny part of the roller coaster
and then I approached it, I was so nervous for
this part of the ride.

After a while of being scared of what
would happen, the roller coaster
was tilting to the side, I  felt my heart
pounding so hard I thought
it was going to pop out of my chest. I
was soon upside down! I realized that only
meant it was nearly over but I didn't want it to
be over yet. I started off being as terrified as
I could ever be, and now I just didn’t
want it to end.

Then we started to slow down and we
came to a soft stop. After that,
all I wanted to do was go on it again
and again and again but it was time
to move on to the next ride. I was so thrilled
that I had done, and without throwing
up either!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Monday Mash up

Hi I'm Camryn. On Monday we did Monday Mash up. I was doing painting, me and Tara were working together, we were painting a rock for my little sister. we are going to make it mostly pink.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Olive´s Office

Olive´s Office
Thing´s you need to know about Olive:

1. Olive is sort of known for her silent screaming

2. Olive has bright blue eyes like the oceans waves

3. Olive has brown wavy hair that blose in the summer breeze

4. Olive weirs a light blue dress with pink unicorns on it
Intro: One day there was a girl who was 12 years old. When she got home she had to do her homework on her comuter in her study room and she had to write a story of her favorite things and when she was writing, she wrote the words candy floss clouds.

Chapter 1: The Portale
Olive saw a flash of light out of the corner of her eye, it was raining outside so she thought it was just lightning, but it kept on going so she started to get a little suspicious, so she started to slowly turn around and there was a portale right in front of her!
Olive screamed so hard that she couldn't hear herself, it was so loud that no body could hear her, once she had finished silent screaming she slowly stepped through the portle.

Want to read more look next week.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Nate's picture

Me and my buddy Nate were drawing. I drew a dinosaur car that is knocking down trees.
This is Nate's picture.

Can you guess what it is?

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Kinetic sand experiment.

  1. First Breanna and Mikeala went out to the sand pit area and got 1 Cup of  dry sand.

  2. Then we poured the sand and ½ a cup of corn starch into an ice cream container and mixed until it was all combined.
  3. Next we mixed the soap liquid into the water we needed 1 tsp of soap liquid and ¼ cup of water
  4. Then we slowly added the water mix to the sand mix and mixed it all together
  5. After that we had to use our hands to make the kinetic sand into a
  6. ball to see if it would hold its shape. We really enjoyed making this
  7. kinetic sand.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Reading Text Questions

Today we had to get this sheet and fill it in the book I chose to do was Bella the bunny fairy.
I really enjoyed doing this activity.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

M year 6 camp experiance

Year 6 Camp  
By Camryn E.

  1. Week 8 I went on camp to the Waipara Adventure Centre.

  1. I thought camp was exciting because
  • The giant swing was exciting because I went so high.  
  • Raft building because we got to swim at the end.
  • The water slide because I went so fast.

  1. At camp, I expected to feel
  2. Nervous Excited Worried Happy
because I had never been on camp with these people.

  1. My favorite activity was raft
  2. building because I loved
  3. swimming when we fell out of our raft.

  1. The activity I found most
  2. challenging was low ropes because I kept falling off.

  1. Other things I enjoyed were
  • Playing with my friends at free time.

  1. I can't wait for next years camp
  2. because it will be so fun
What do

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My letter to Wakefield school

This is my letter to Wakefield school students. They have been through a masive fire. We had a mufti day to raise money for their school. We hope they keep safe.

Dear Wakefield students

Hi my name is Camryn
I am sending you this
letter to make you feel better
about the fires that are happening near you.
You should just think positive because
that is what we are doing.
I hope you keep safe and
try to be happy.

From Camryn at Rawhiti school.

Stay safe!