
Monday, December 7, 2020

Jellie Park

 On Friday we went to Jellie Park, we arrived at Jelly park at around 10 and put our stuff on the grass. first we had a little bit of food, after that we went in the pool for a bit and I went on the diving board. Then we had some more food and went to the shop. I bought myself an ice cream. After that we did more swimming and went on the diving board a few more times. Then we had lunch and went back to the shop to get a drink then we swam some more and went back to school to go home.


 Today for maths we had to join Nogo's group because Sharon was busy. Today we had to do tessellation. Tessellation is when a shape can come together with no spaces in the middle.

This is what I made
Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Today for 100 questions I got 29 wrong on division and my time was 9.54. I think thatI need to work on my accuracy. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020


 Today in math's I was drawing some 3D shapes I drew a cube, triangular prism, cylinder, and a sphere. We had to draw a real life object in that shape. We also had to write the definitions.

A Cylinder has 2 equal circles and curved face that is a rectangle when opened out.

A cube has 8 vertices (corners),12 edges and 6 equal square faces.

A sphere has 1 continuous curved face. A sphere can roll in any direction.

Triangular prism: 
A triangular prism has 2 triangular faces and 3 rectangular faces.


 Today we did 100 questions. Today I got 94.

We only did multiplication today and i am very happy with how I went. I got 2 questions wrong and missed 4. I got 6x9 and 9x7 wrong and missed 2x8, 7x4, 4x7 and 7x8. next time I am going to work on getting faster and being more accurate.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 Today for maths we did our 100 questions.


We started with multiplication. I am very happy with how I went. I got 99/100. I almost got all of them when the time ran out as I was about to write. The question that I missed was 7x7. I do know the answer and the answer is 49. Next time I will try to get faster.


I got 89/100 and am also very happy with it.                                                                                                                                  

Monday, November 9, 2020

A&P show

 Since the A&P show has been canceled, we are doing a school A&P show on the end of year fun day.

There are different activities that you can enter. I have entered the pressed flower artwork and will be doing it will Shafrin. I will also enter other activities as well but this is what I am going to start with.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Friday, October 30, 2020

10 Ways manners help the world

 1. Speak kindly to other people. When you speak kindly to people you make then feel good and when you make other people feel good you feel good

2. When I say please and thank you I am being respectful and kind to other people and not just expecting other people to do stuff for me.

3. When I keep my hands to myself and don’t push, shove, kick or touch anyone else I am respecting people's personal space.

4. Bad language often sounds aggressive and isn’t very nice to the people hearing it. So better to avoid it.

5. Kindness makes everyone feel good. Three ways of being kind are: Speaking kindly, helping people if they need help and being a good friend. Throwing things at people isn’t nice so just don’t do it!

You should also be kind to your friends and family

6.Noticing what people do to make other people happy and cheerful and learning off of that. Also making people feel appreciated.

7. Shake hands with people. Shaking hands with people is a way of greeting it is polite.

8.Being honest. If you make a mistake it’s better to tell someone about rather than keep it a secret and hope no one finds out.

9. Eating manners. If you are eating out don’t eat like a pig and make a big mess. Use manners like please and thank you and be nice to the waitress. Giving compliments is also used at restaurants.

10. Cleaning up after yourself is a big part of manners because people aren’t just going to clean up after you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



Today for Maths we did 3D drawing.
This is what I made.
We did it on isometric paper.
First i drew the cubes and then colored it in with yellow marker and then 
I added a shadow to make it look real.
I really enjoyed making them.

Reflection of Script


(Not Surprised)

Your early Night,

Not that it's unusual.

Mrs Sandford looks up at night, her glasses falling off slightly. 

She doesn’t look surprised to see night so early.

Night begins to take his seat.



Well I’d better get started on my 

study then.

As Night begins to take his seat he remembers that he hasn’t turneThe book of curses

-Camryn and shafrin 

Characters- Night(main character), Rago, Mrs Sandford,

 Mr Harper, Celestia, Enashma, Charlotte, Henry, Otis


Night enters the room closing the door behind him, twelve empty seats in front of him, books messily spread out on the teachers desk, Maths equations written out on the chalkboard behind the teacher's desk.

d in his homework.

He stands back up and drops his large backpack on the floor. It leans up against his desk.


Forgot about this Mrs Sandford.


Ahh yes Night. Thank you.

Night walks back to his desk and picks his backpack up.

He takes his books, pens and laptop out and gently places them on the desk.

 About forty five minutes later Celestia walks into the room, her Long blonde pony-tail waving in the air. 



Good morning Mrs sandford.

She takes a sheet of paper up to the teacher and walks back to her seat, she purposely bumps into Night, making him lose his focus.

Mrs Sandford walks into the side room of the classroom to get her other books that she has left in there.



Studying again are you Night?



Celestia takes her seat behind Night.

Mrs Sandford walks back into the room being careful not to drop the stack of paper in her hands.

Enashma and Charlotte walk in giggling among themselves.

They also hand in their piece of paper to Mrs Sandford.

Mrs Sandford walks out of the classroom to make herself a cup of coffee.

Enashma and Charlotte walk up to night.



Will you ever stop studying?



You really need to pass this

 Exam so we don’t have to deal with you Anymore.

Charlotte and Enashma take their seat on each side of Celestia. Rago walks in the room and goes straight to Night, He waits for Night to finish what he is writing.

Mrs Sandford walks back into the room with her hot cup of coffee.

She takes her seat and begins sorting through stacks of papers.

Rago walks up to Mrs Sandford and places his paper on the desk.



Hello Night. Studying again?

You are so going to pass this exam!

Rago takes his seat next to Night and begins to take out his books and pens. Henry and Otis enter the room not saying a word, they take their papers to mrs sandford and take their seats. The other children Get ready for the Exam. 

Mrs Sandford walks around the room handing the tests to everyone.



Begin your tests 

The sound of papers turning fills the air. 

Charlotte looks frustrated and turns to Celestia.



PST! Celest. Do you know this answer?

She turns to Celestia.

Celestia shrugs and turns to Rago. She threw a piece of scrunched up paper at Rago. He flinched a little but didn’t turn around. She threw another, and another. He finally turned around, looking very annoyed with Celestia.



I’m not giving you the answer

Celestia looks frustrated.

Next Scene Begins in the cafeteria with students everywhere.

Rago and Night sit alone at their table. 


In Literacy we have been looking at how authors and directors explain to the viewer/reader about the character. They do this through speech, costume, environment and general appearance.

We have looked at scenes from The first harry potter movie and read the same things from the book. We looked at how the characters were introduced and what was different in the movie and book. We looked at what choices the author/directors made to help us get to know the character.

Shafrin and I  created the scene above working on these aspects of the character. I had a friend give me feedback by highlighting some things in this story.
Actions=red, Appearance=yellow, Environment=green and speech=blue.

I think that we have done a good job of creating our own character, and describing what he is like and his personality.

I need to work on explaining the environment.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 Yesterday the year Sevens went sailing at Lake Rua.

There were a few boats that went capsized but luckily I wasn't in any of them.

We started by taking the boats out of the big container and getting the sails, the rutter and the centerboard. We put the sail in the boat and connected the ropes. After that we practiced how to drive the sail boats. We had to do this weird pivot thing and I was really bad at it. Then we finally got into the water and had to go around this can thing that was in the water. After we had sort of got the hang of it we got to go around two cans and i started drifting out behind them. 

After all of that we took the boats down and went fora swim.

Overall I thought it was really fun and would definitely do it again.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Our healing garden

 For our Inquiry we have been making gardens.

Me and Maria have been making a healing garden filled with  calming sounds and scents. We have got herbs to make tea and just some calming and relaxing plants.

We have made a slide show to show our work, we have put the herbs and other plants in there and why they are calming or healing. We have also shown our watering system and the birds we would like to a attract to our garden.

Thanks for reading our garden plan.😃

Thursday, September 24, 2020

End of term 3 Reflection

 End of term 3 Reflection

This term for science we have been making and designing a garden to go with the growing theme. I have learnt a lot about what plants can and can't grow with each other. I think that I have grown in my story writing, spelling and grammar. I am now able to write a long story with lots of detail and can add and multiply fractions. I know how to figure out the square root of some numbers.  

Overall I think that I have grown in many subjects.  

Friday, September 11, 2020


 For Science we have been making Gardens. We get to choose between a vegetable garden, a native bird garden or a healing garden. My group chose to make a healing garden with native birds in it. We have made a plan and we are now looking at what plants we will put in our garden and what we will put them in.

This is our Plan.

We haven't finished designing it yet.

These are the plants we will be putting in our garden:

Jazmine, Lavender, Peppermint, Aloe vera, Chamomile. 

Here is somethings that we found out about these plants.

We think that these plants will be great to put in our garden because they are calming and healing.

This was our original plan.

We had to change our plan because we decided that we weren't going to have vegetables because we didn't think that they would grow well with the healing plants that we had chosen.

Our next steps would be to figure out what birds we wanted to have into our garden and figure out how we would attract them in. We will also have to make a design for the bird houses. We also have to find some herbs that will grow well in our garden.

Thanks for reading



Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Today we were learning how to make Equivalent Fractions. This is what I made. It explains how to make equivalent fraction and what not to do.

Monday, August 31, 2020


Standing on the pier is the bright gaze of the setting sun falling asleep
from a day of hard work. The ocean comes alive, crashing against the
tall supports. Sand getting soaked by the large waves crashing on the
beach, sand castles that have been made on the day just been, slowly
disappearing. Soon the sun is nowhere to be seen, the stars reflecting
off of the calm ocean that has now fallen asleep, No clouds in sight. No
light to be seen from the houses across the road and no noise to be
heard, not even a leaf falling to the ground.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The bird that thought he could sing

Chirp chirp chirp, ‘I’m good at singing right?’ ‘Yeh so good’ I say that
as my ears are in pain from what he says is singing, but I don’t want to
hurt his feelings how do I say that he is not good when he thinks he is?
I take a small step forward, and another small step, I tap him gently on
the shoulder and say ‘ummm, Hello’ What do you want? (gasp) You
want to tell me that I am no good at singing, don’t you?’ He Says in
shock, ‘No no you are great at it it’s just sometimes you're a little high
pitched and it hurts my ears’ ‘Oh, I see well I’ll be on my way then. At
least you were honest, because that’s what friends do, they help each
other improve.’ ‘Wait don’t go, you could be good at something else, 
you could… Oh, I know your great at dancing just do that instead’ ‘Oh
well I suppose I am pretty good at it… Oh all right then.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Fraction Wall

  1.  What relationships do you notice between different fractions? (for example I notice 2/8 is the same as ¼)

  1. Create 5 different number sentences that add up to one. (Think about our fraction circles from yesterday)
Use pictures to show your working.  Upload these to your blog.

  1. 5/10 is the same as ½
  2. 4/6 is the same as ⅔ 
  3. 2/8 is the same as ¼ 
  4. 2/4, 3/6, 4/8,5/10 and 6/12 is the same as ½ 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Girls group

Today at girls group we had to look at a blob of paint and write down what we saw from each angle, we had about 3 minutes to write down what we saw and them Melissa turned the blob to the side and we did it again and turned wrote it down.

Before we did that we did the feeling cards. For the feeling cards Melissa spreads the cards and we have to pick one for how we felt in the weekend and how we feel now. After the blob we had to write down things that you might think about people when you first meet them and whether they are nice things to think about people or not.

I thought that it was interesting and hard to think about.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Penguin diagram

This is my Penguin diagram.t
Penguins have Hooked beaks to grab onto fish we they are swimming.
They have wings like flippers so that they can swim. Penguins cannot fly but they can swim.
Thick and silky feathers to keep it warm so that the water runs of their feathers.
Webbed feet to help it swim faster.

Here are a few Penguin facts
Penguins cannot fly
Some penguins live in new Zealand
Penguins eat fish
They can swim very fast
The father bird sits on the egg for nine weeks in the cold and dark while the mother goes to get food.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

100 Questions

Today we did 100 questions. I did 84 and I got them all right.  I enjoy doing 100 questions because I can learn how to do the question.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Explaining Scientific Diagrams

Explaining Scientific Diagrams

Scientific diagrams contain different Elements. These include, Purpose, Audience, Visuals, Symbols and Words/Labels.Diagrams explain something of the reader's choice.

The purpose of a diagram is to show people what something is or how to plant it as it shows in the examples above. The purpose of this is to show how something works in words that your audience can understand, showing how something works or what it is. This can be very useful to understand something and what qualities it has. For example, If you were showing how to plant an apple tree, one of it’s qualities would be that the bark of an apple tree root can be used for fevers and diseases.

The Audience is an important part of a diagram. This is because based on the age of your audience your diagram might be easier to read. If you have an audience aged 4-6 you would make your diagram easy to read and you wouldn’t put scientific words in your diagram, for example in text one they chose to use words like sun and water. If you were creating a diagram for older people, around ages 14- 15, you would make your diagram harder to understand and with more scientific words in it, like H2o instead of water. Your audience needs to be able to read your diagram easily.

The Visuals in your diagram can be important because if your audience is younger kids, visuals can help them understand what you are trying to explain. If your diagram is for people that can understand more scientific information you might not put any visuals in because you know that they can understand what you are trying to explain. Colours can be important for younger readers because is will be more appealing to them, and will make them want to read it because it will look more exciting.

Symbols can be arrows that show movement, for example, in text one the arrows are showing how the water and minerals are helping the plant not only survive but grow. Symbols can be very important for young readers to help them understand, in this case how plants grow. They help to explain what plants need and how to care for them.

Scientific words can be hard to understand because usually they are long words examples of this are: Structural, Back fill, Biodegradable,
Undisturbed and stabilize. You would not use these words in diagrams for younger kids, but for older children you might use words like this.
If kids don’t understand the words that are in the diagram they will not want to read it.

A scientific diagram informs the reader about something that they have chosen to look at. A diagram is different depending on the audience that it is created for.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Today at math we did our quick 10. It was pretty easy, I got them all right except for one. The one that I got wrong I did not know so I didn't do it. Maths was pretty fun and easy.

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


I have been learning french for the William Pike Challenge this is what I have learnt.

Hello my name is: Bonjour je m' appele

I have a: J'ai un

Pet: animal de compaigne

Rabbit: Lapine

Cat: Chatte

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Botanic Gardens

On Monday we went to the botanic gardens, we learnt thriving, threatened, extinct, introduced, native and endemic animals and plants.
We played a game that we had to pretend to be fantails and we had a green space each that we could move to other places to stand on so that we could get to the end, we worked in groups. Some people had to take our green spaces away, we had to keep our foot on it so that we could keep it. After  that we all got into groups we got a tree to sketch and find out more about. Our tree was the kakabeak. I got to sketch the tree, maria was map reading and Jessica was reading about the tree.

100 Questions

My goal was 6 times 6 and it didn't appear in my test I will keep working on this question.

My this weeks goal is 6 times 6 again so that I can keep working on this and getting it it right.

I like doing theses tests because I fell like they help with my progress in my math.

Here is a link to my Multiplication sheet. Link

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

100 Questions

Today for math we did our 100 Questions. We get a sheet with 100 math Questions on it and we have 10 minutes to do it.
Today I got 83 Questions right.
Here is a link to my spreadsheet.   Link
and this is what I need to work on

Friday, July 24, 2020


We are learning about measurement.
We did some different activities. We had a choice of, drawing around our hand and measuring the perimeter, getting on a bike and estimating how much a metre was and one of our classmates measuring it to see how far of our estimation was, going on google maps and picking a destination that you thought was 1km, 10km, 1000km, away from our school (I got 1.6km, so I was only 0.6km away from what I thought), using a ruler to estimate how long a metre is by drawing lines on a piece of paper and measuring it to see how far away we were.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

William pike progress

This is my William Pike Progress.

We have to complete each one of these.
To complete them we have to get to 100% for passion project. The goal is to pick something (it doesn't have to be one thing it can be multiple) something that we have never done before and record it whether that means taking photos or writing notes as you do it. For my passion project so far I have done: Painting, Building a bird house, cooking, and looking after animals.

Monday, July 20, 2020


We have been learning about MRSGREN. MRSGREN is an easy way to remember thinggs that every living thing has or does these include Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition.

Today was our first science session and I really enjoyed it.


WALT: We are learning to read a ruler accurately.

This is the experiment that we did.

My scores were 24, 30, 23.
My best score was 23.

My average was 25.6

Monday, June 29, 2020

Graffiti art

This week and last week we have been doing graffiti and street art.
We have made a piece of art that has got a word or a drawing on it.
Mine says DREAMER with rainbow coloring and i used red and blue spray paint.
We had three colors to choose from: Red, Yellow and Blue.
I really enjoyed this art project and if I could I would keep doing it.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Black beauty

I've been thinking about how good the description is in black beauty.
I really like how the book describes how he is feeling. I think that black beauty is a great horse and is
trying to do his best at the work he has been given. I think that in Chapter six: how it ended, black beauty is felling sad, I got this idea from the description again.
I think that the book is great, but the words are hard to read sometimes.
I love horses and I am sure that anyone else that does would love to read this book.
Over-all I think that black beauty is a great book

Monday, June 15, 2020



This week I have done five hours of orienteering
compass skills
map features

On Friday we went to rawhiti domain to do an orienteering corse.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


forest haiku

A calm forest walk
The trees waving in the wind
hear the birds chirping

Black beauty bio poem

Playful, Kind, beautiful
Brother of Rob Roy
Hay, being kind,
Fear, Joy, depression
Death of his brother, Death of young man, fire
Eating hay, Becoming a great horse
Becoming a human, To understand what humans are saying
Lived in many paddocks

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Today we went to tech, we did two activities, sewing and electronics. This is how to make a pillow inner.

Step 1. Cut out a piece of fabric slightly bigger than you want it to be.

Step 2. Sew the edges shut leaving a small opening on one side.

Step 3. Need your stuffing until it is fluffy so that after you have used your pillow for a while, the stuffing does not, not together.

Step 4. hand sew the opening shut.

That is how we made our pillow inner's. Super easy five step pillow inner.

Monday, May 25, 2020

William pike challange

Today I learnt how to log into the William pike challenge.
The William pike challenge is something were you have to complete three tasks within the year. We have to complete community service, outdoor activitie and passion project. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

We're going on a bear hunt

We're going on a bear hunt
A bear hunt is a fun way to get out of the house. Going for a walk and spotting teddy bears or soft toys can be very fun.

Me and my family went on a bear hunt and over around ten roads found 143 teddy bears or soft toys.
counting how many bears there are can be challenging ( if you are going fast on a bike or scooter that is I was biking) it is only really challenging if there is more than one bear in the window but it is easy to stop, count them and carry on.
People often go on bear hunts that they can get fresh air and exercise.

Why should you put a teddy bear in your window?
It is a fun and silly game that lots of people around the world are playing.
all you have to do is put a teddy bear, soft toy or a drawing of a rainbow.

As you can see i have got four soft toys out. The biggest one that you can see is Nelson ( Because he is from Nelson) I have also got an owl, rabbit and a bear.

So I hope you will all put a drawing or soft toy in your window and go on a bear hunt, see how many you can spot and leave me a comment.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

Snifters lumps vs pineapple lumps.

Pascall Snifter Lumps are new on the market. 

Pascall snifter Lumps are very yum but I think that they would be better with a little bit more chocolate would balance it out a bit more and make it not so pepperminty. I would definitely have them again I give pineapple lumps a 9/10 and snifters a 8/10

Looks like

Pineapple Lumps
Lumpy and rough. Very delicious looking
And sort of a bit like waves. It looks like it would melt quicker than the snifters Lumps.

Snifters Lumps
Smooth and more rounded than the pineapple lumps. It looks a little bit frozen. It looks absolutely Divine. The chocolate looks darker on the snifters lumps.

Feels like

Pineapple Lumps
It feels very rough on the top  and smooth on the bottom but not too smooth.

Snifters Lumps
The snifters Lumps are the opposite of the Pineapple lumps it is smooth on the top and rough on the bottom.

Smells like

Pineapple Lumps
Smells like delicious perfectly coated chocolate.

Snifters lumps
Smells mostly like chocolate with a hint of candy cane.

Tastes like

Pineapple Lumps
Chewy and chocolaty. Quit hard on the outside and does not taste like pineapple.
The outside tastes a little bit like melted chocolate buttons.

Snifters Lumps
Chewy as well very very pepperminty. The chocolate on the outside if there was a little bit more chocolate I think it would balance it out a little bit more. But overall it  is pretty good.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Friday, February 14, 2020

Technology, Sewing and Electronics.

Today was the first day of technology. The activities that my friends and I did were sewing and electronics.

 In sewing all we got to do was thread the sewing machine but we get to do some sewing next week. I think that we will be sewing a coushin. I have done sewing before and I have sewn two pillows and a bunch of scrunchies. Over all I think that when we start make the coushin sewing will be super fun.

After our morning tea My group and I went to Electronics. First we had to fill out some sheets but after that we got a very small container fun of stuff that you need to create a light so Mr O told us about everything that was in the small container. We also have a little bit of homework, but it is fun homework. We have to make a plan for what our light is going to look like. We have to make our light for someone. I am ging to make my light for my little sister Blayke. The design i have made is a rainbow and i think she will really like it even though she doesn't know what it is yet because she is only 6 months old.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Today I went surfing for the first time.
I swollowed a lot of water and when i was in the deeper area there was a lot of seaweed.
I didn't stand up today because it was my first time surfing. I also flipped over a lot as well. It was super fun and I am defenitly gong to do it again.

Monday, February 10, 2020

My first week

My first week

My first week was pretty good. We did a bunch of stuff like card games and games to get to know each other. My friends are Maria, Jessica, Nikita, Tabitha and Zoey.

My favourite thing to do in this class is silent reading I also really like maths.